Day 1

We continue on until we are faced with the great lake on the side of which Queenstown sits squashed in by the mountains with the new gondola leading up into the distance. The hostel where we resided is Nomads the only one we have been in that rivals Wake up in Sydney, almost brand new, well planned out and helpful staff although even with this the usual chaos occurs when a coach load of backpackers arrives to check in.
From seeing Kane's videos and hearing about it previously I had decided to book on to the Canyon swing for that afternoon, we didn't have much time so had planned out how to fit in as much as possible. On arriving at the Canyon swing office a about 20minutes early to check in I was speaking with the Kiwi who looked rather familiar to find out that would be running our trip to find out that it was Chris who Tommy had worked with in the Alps on a season a few years previous.
I think the swing must be one of the best places to work in the world, they play some videos on the way about what you are about to do and a few standard ways of leaving the platform before you walk down a small track arriving at an office perched on and slightly over a cliff edge, lives signed away it was time to be harnessed up and led to the edge. This is where things now differ from how things would and have to be done in England, at home there would be countless safety videos instructions and reassurance, in Kiwi land they like to be a little different, yes they double check everything but the second person mostly loosens things and says he doesn't really know what he's doing or checking for. The then clip you on lean you over the edge for some photo's before thinking of every way known to man to make you feel less safe and go off the edge, supposedly they used to have a cattle prod before a newspaper got hold of it and it made national news of them using it, not only on someone as they jumped but as they were hanging being brought back up.
They are all about having fun, although peering over the edge for the photo, fun was the least of my thoughts, the 60m drop and then 200m swing was more in my mind, I started with a tandem Jump with Jamie,
3 – 2 – 1
Still falling
and swing
Yes I'm alive!
But it doesn't stop there even as we are brought up the rope is making a clicking noise..doesn't feel safe, on approaching the top the guys shout quick quick get to the edge it's not right, Jamie and I are worried now, then finally clipped on we find out actually they have just been tapping the rope from the top, any excuse to continually scare customers.
Jump 2

This time the rocks seem to be coming very quickly then the rope tightens and I'm swinging again, Yes still alive. I may also have worn my cape from the Poo pub fancy dress night for this one so also very happy that is had not fallen down over my face at the start.
Jump 3
Do you really think I would have stopped after 2! Chris after already letting Bex go for free as she originally came as a spectator but then after being pretty much walked her into a harness and then dropped off the edge with Amber had decided she would do another but only as a tandem. My first jump was forward and then dropped upside down so the last one was a simple decision, Backwards
All clipped on and Photo's taken my biggest fear after hearing Bex's last drop was my ears, the scream from her last fall with amber rang through the canyon so much that is was clear to use all even as she swung away. Fortunately my hearing is still in tact, although less worried this time when you stand on the edge and previous confidence you may have had quickly dissipates. No count this time just go. I think I may have been a little more committed with my jump but either way we both went and came back.
We went through the videos and pictures in the office although mine had been rather Photoshopped, Chris had these gifted to us for a few beers to be dropped in the office later which was rather nice and a super saving.
Back in the town and the whole bus went for a $10 all you can eat pizza night out in world bar with me being awarded my free tea pot for winning the waterfall game on the way to Wanaka, then all off to Altitude for half price drinks and then finally some sleep as it's a big day tomorrow.
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